Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Choice Books

I'm really cooking now, I did the challenge part 2. I really like the Choice Book lists at NJLA. I already printed the list for lapsit/baby programs and the person in charge of this program is very happy. New ideas are always welcome and I plan to use this resource a lot and show the rest of my staff.
So, today I tried joining Librarything & Good Reads Tour. It was easier joining Good Reads Tour and you take a little "test " to see what kind of books they think you will be interested in. I guess so they can suggest things. This might work for most people but I like a really wide variety so I don't know if this is valuable to me. I did get a kick out of reading reviews of a book I really enjoyed, "Outlander" by Gabaldon, people either loved it or despised it. I thought it was a really interesting mix of romance, historical fiction & science fiction (time travel- which I usually hate), although I did like it in "When You Reach Me" by Rebecca Stead. Anyway I will give it a try, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I was so excited about my blog that I went to show my friend Robin. She told me I am supposed to blog frequently but I haven't done anything since I created this blog, which I have looked at many times, so nothing new here. Stay tuned!

It's never too late...

Well if you told me I would be blogging six months ago I would have laughed out loud. My sons, ages 28 & 25 won't believe it unless they see it and even then would just shake their heads.  Some snarky remarks would follow but here I am.  I am not fond of change but I do like to learn and I love to surprise people.
I work in the children's department of a library and will never forget the look of astonishment on a 10 year old when he saw me texting. Priceless. I was definitely accorded a little more respect. My point is, if I can do it, so can you.